Current Courses

Courses    Level   Enrollment  
1 BIO434/534 – Systems Biology BS/MS/PhD
 2 BIO435 – Computational Proteomics BS/MS/PhD
3 BIO101 – Introduction to Biology BS
4 BIO492A – Undergraduate Thesis BS
5 BIO492B – Undergraduate Thesis BS
6 BIO509A – Master’s Thesis MS
7 BIO509B – Master’s Thesis MS
8 EE492A – Undergraduate Thesis BS
9 EE492B – Undergraduate Thesis BS
11 BIO800A – Doctoral Thesis Research PhD
11 BIO497B – Directed Research Project BS
12 BIO323/BIO5311 – Advanced Biostatistics BS/MS/PhD
13 BIO231 – Computational Biology I BS
14 BIO331 – Computational Biology II BS
15 CS492A – Undergraduate Thesis BS
16 CS492B – Undergraduate Thesis BS
17 ENGG 202 – MATLAB for Everyone BS
18 EE692A – Master’s Thesis MS
19 EE692B – Master’s Thesis MS
20 BIO531 – Computational Biology MS

Online Teaching Materials

BIF401 - Introduction to Bioinformatics (2017)

BIF401 - Introduction to Bioinformatics (2017)

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